UNSPSC | 41113637 |
ETIM Class | EC002306 |
IGCC | 6303 |
Effective date | 1998-02-09 |
Country of origin | ES |
ETIM - Electrical characteristics
Measuring range [V] | 500..500 |
Accuracy class | 1.5 |
Power loss [W] | 3 |
Calibrated | Yes |
Voltage type | AC |
ETIM - Mechanical characteristics
Transformer connection | No |
Modular version | No |
ETIM - Technical features
Model | Built-in |
Max. needle deflection [°] | 90 |
Scales lighting | No |
GTIN/EAN | 3596031085149 |
Customs number | 9030337000 |
Price unit | PC |
Weight of the packing unit [kg] | 0.16 |
Length of the packing unit [m] | 0.06 |
Width of the packing unit [m] | 0.07 |
Depth of the packing unit [m] | 0.09 |
Technical Characteristics
Rated voltage | 0..500 VAC |
Scale nominal value | 90° |
Type | Modular |