UNSPSC | 39122233 |
ETIM Class | EC000216 |
IGCC | 5290 |
Effective date | 2023-02-14 |
Country of origin | TN |
Environmental Sustainability
Climate change - Total - Cradle to Grave [kg CO₂ eq] | 699,349226138947 |
Climate change - Total - Cradle to Gate [kg CO₂ eq.] | 43,8889228187919 |
Packaging mass [kg] | 0,707 |
Product mass without packaging [kg] | 5,863 |
GTIN/EAN | 3596031107902 |
Customs number | 8535301090 |
Price unit | PC |
Weight of the packing unit [kg] | 6,05 |
Length of the packing unit [m] | 0,3 |
Width of the packing unit [m] | 0,4 |
Depth of the packing unit [m] | 0,15 |
Technical Characteristics
Control operator | Direct : E3 / External : S2L |
Number of poles | 2//2 |
Rated voltage | 1500 |
Rated current [A] | 1200 |
Type | Frontal or Lateral operation |
Frame size | F3 |