UNSPSC | 39121612 |
ETIM Class | EC000055 |
IGCC | 4908 |
Effective date | 2011-07-13 |
Obsolescence date | 2025-07-01 |
Production ban date | 2025-12-31 |
Country of origin | HU |
ETIM - Electrical characteristics
Voltage type | DC |
Rated current [A] | 400 |
Rated voltage DC [V] | 1000 |
Utilization category | gPV (photovoltaic protection) |
ETIM - Technical features
Fuse construction type according to IEC 60269 | 3L |
GTIN/EAN | 3596032616113 |
Customs number | 8536109090 |
Price unit | PC |
Weight of the packing unit [kg] | 1.927 |
Length of the packing unit [m] | 0.22 |
Width of the packing unit [m] | 0.095 |
Depth of the packing unit [m] | 0.085 |
Conformity to standards | IEC |
Technical Characteristics
Length of the product unit [mm] | 74 |
Width of the product unit [mm] | 190 |
Depth of the product unit [mm] | 74 |
Weight [kg] | 1.927 |
Fuse melting indicator | with T indicator |
Fuse size | NH3 L |
Rated voltage | 1000 VDC |
Rated current [A] | 400 |
Type | gPV |